Maintenance Guide - Roche Bobois

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You just bought a Roche Bobois sofa/case good:
You've been enticed by its lines and you can discover its secrets: how it’s made and how to preserve its qualities.

This manual will provide you with all the information.




The charm, beauty and touch of the leathers developed exclusively for Roche Bobois are the result of processes performed in tanneries. These processes may be summarised by two main phases: the first phase is to transform the raw hide into a product that is healthy, soft, impenetrable, and durable. The second phase is to use the finishing processes to bring the final aesthetic of the hide (nourishing the leather, colouring treatments, applying dyes and surface improvements, etc.).
The hide is transformed into leather, and these processes bring all the features that drew you to your Roche Bobois furniture.

Leather, an authentic material

Tanning and finishing processes turn leather into a quality product. However, the tanning process does not erase imperfections in the leather.
Markings from the animal’s life in the pasture are marks of authenticity and are integrated into the leather. These markings are usually subtle and do not detract from the quality of the skin (layers of skin, stretch marks, healed wounds, insect bites).
They provide proof of a natural leather with an intact grain.
After a few months of use, the leather moves and stretches due to temperature variations, and gradually takes on its final physical state. Leather adapts to the constraints of its environment and often keeps some residual skin elasticity. This natural phenomenon, which is the same for leather used in clothing or other leather goods, varies in visibility depending on how intensely it is used, its environment (temperature, humidity, etc.), flexibility of the seats, and the thickness of the leather.

I. Use - Tips

In order for you to fully enjoy your leather seating and ensure its longevity, we recommend you follow some basic rules.
Leather is sensitive to heat and light, even reflections, to varying degrees depending on the type of finishing. These factors can dry out the leather and dull the vibrancy of its colours.
If possible, your seating should be arranged in a way to avoid direct exposure to the sun and moon, and should also not be placed too close to windows.
Do not place your seating near an intense heat source (fireplace, radiator, or other heating device).
Observe and follow the care instructions to maintain the physical and aesthetic qualities of the leather.
Do not wait until the item is dirty to perform maintenance, and do not try to clean, remove stains, etc. without the proper products.
Leather is durable, but similar to woodwork or any other material, it is sensitive to physical harm that may affect its beautiful appearance (scratches from sharp objects or pets, friction from fabric or scratchy clothing, clothing rivets or buckles, etc.). Be sure to avoid this type of harm to the leather. Particular attention must be paid to some jeans, whose finishes may transfer their colours onto the leather, especially light leather, and which may be unfixable.

II. Regular maintenance

The amount of dust and dirt that collects on your leather is the same as what accumulates onto wooden furniture, which you dust off regularly because it is so visible.
To prevent dust that dulls your leather and gets wedged in the creases of the hide, make sure to dust weekly, especially if your sofa has a padded seat. Dust using a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush tip, or by wiping a soft, moistened cloth across the leather surface.

Leather maintenance is essential to preserve the aesthetics and physical appearance of the leather for the near future. Maintenance should be done in two steps, four times per year:

  • 1. Cleaning:
    This process removes all greasy or sticky dust as well as common marks and stains from use that are not removed by regular dusting. Cleaning also helps prepare the leather for applying the protective product, which is used on a clean surface. Cleaning first makes the product more efficient, as it must permeate or polymerise the leather surface, depending on its type of finishing.

  • 2. Protection :
    This process properly protects the upholstery leather from all possible harm (protection against drying, stains, friction, and discolouration due to light). The protective product proactively creates a protective barrier against harm that may affect the leather. Respecting the maintenance frequency keeps a constant state of protection on the item and preserves its effectiveness.

III. Using the Roche Bobois maintenance kit

Clean using the “soft cleaner” shampoo included in the Roche Bobois leather maintenance kit, which is specially designed for this purpose, or with a cleaning solution (dilute some “Marseille” soap (soft soap) or an equivalent into a container of warm water; avoid using harsh soaps or detergents).

Pour some “soft cleaner” shampoo on the sponge from the kit or on another non-abrasive, soft sponge. Lather the product by squeezing the sponge and clean using small circular movements, allowing time for the product to act to properly remove substances from the creases in the leather. Avoid scrubbing the leather too hard. The cleaning effect is obtained by the reaction of the product and the time you allow the product to act.
Avoid soaking the leather. Rinse the sponge regularly to remove recovered substances. After cleaning, rinse the sponge to remove the cleaning product, wipe the leather with it, and allow to dry.

Nota : for grained leather, we recommend using a soft brush (silk hairs) when applying the shampoo. Using the brush in small circular movements activates the cleaning process and avoids the stagnation of substances in the creases.

This process is done using the “maintenance cream” in the Roche Bobois leather maintenance kit and the included cloth. There is also a kit for leather that is sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays. This product limits these effects in addition to providing protection. If you do not have the specific product, you should choose a substitute product that has the equivalent protective and nourishing qualities. Avoid any aerosols with solvents and any oil or fat based products.

Pour a small amount of product on the included cloth and spread the product without rubbing to evenly coat the leather surface. Apply the product well to seating areas, armrests and backs. Let dry and later polish with a wool cloth if you desire a glossy effect.

IV. Stains - Tips

All leathers selected by Roche Bobois receive a protective treatment on the entire hide or on the surface at the tannery.
Regular maintenance helps maintain this protection and facilitates stain removal processes. For accidental stains, carefully take care of them as soon as possible. Before using products for the stain removal processes, remove as much of the staining substance as possible by using an absorbent cloth without rubbing.

  • 1. Select the appropriate methodology and products from the stain removal instructions (section VI).

  • 2. After a local test on a hidden or inconspicuous area of the leather, proceed with the stain removal by following the instructions.
  • Avoid rubbing; the effect of the products and procedure are sufficient to achieve effective stain removal. However, if you do not get a satisfactory result, do not insist on using other methods. Do not use hazardous products which may alter the leather and risk creating additional problems. In this case, contact your local Roche Bobois showroom or a professional.

V. Stain removal and leather care processes

Soak the sponge from the Roche Bobois kit, or a soft household sponge, with the “soft cleaner” shampoo contained in the Roche Bobois leather maintenance kit, or with a cleaning solution specified in the "Cleaning" chapter of this manual. Lather the product with the sponge and dab the stain or use small circular motions without abrading the leather finish.
Give time for the product to act. Repeat the process if necessary. Clean the detached area with the sponge after rinsing it out with clean water. When preventive maintenance using the protective cream is done regularly, the "soft cleaner" will eliminate most common stains.

IMPORTANT : after stain removal, apply the protective cream to adequately protect the leather at the location of the stain.

VI. Stain removal notice

Type of stain - Procedure

  • Liquid ink: contact a Roche Bobois showroom.
  • Pen: use a mixture of 1/4 water and 3/4 alcohol.
    Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and remove the stain by gently rubbing. After removing the stain, remember to follow with the leather protecting processes.
    If the stain has penetrated the leather and does not come out, do not try other methods; contact your Roche Bobois showroom.
  • Smoke: Procedure No. 1.
  • Water-based paint: Procedure No. 1.
  • Solvent-based paint: contact your local Roche Bobois showroom
  • Lipstick: Procedure No. 1.
  • Sugar, food: Procedure No. 1.
  • Milk: Procedure No. 1.
  • Blood: Procedure No. 1, or a mix of 10% white vinegar and 90% water.
    Rinse with a sponge and protect the leather with the protective cream.
  • Oil, grease, sebum, sweat: Procedure No. 2.
  • Urine: Procedure No. 1.
  • Mud: Procedure No. 1.





Just like all textile materials (carpets, rugs, curtains, etc.) and depending on the nature of the fibres, your upholstery fabric may be more or less sensitive to light and heat. You should layout your living room furniture in a way that avoids direct exposure to the sun and moon and avoid placing furniture near a heat source, if possible.
Dust, the same dust that settles on your wood furniture, and substances from using seating (friction from clothes, hands, small accidental stains, etc.) are the prime factors that tarnish textiles and affect their appearance.
Do not wait for the marks that appear on the most exposed parts of your seating to get too pronounced before performing recommended maintenance.

I. Regular maintenance

  • Dusting
    This must occur regularly to remove dust that settles on the textile and is crushed into the fabric by using the seats.
    Dust weekly using a very soft brush. Avoid hard brushes that may abrade the surface of the fabric and create a fibrillation effect (breaking of the textile yarn) and/or pilling.
  • Stains - Tips
    Some fabrics in the Roche Bobois collection receive protective treatment during production, and all others can receive this treatment by requesting it at your Roche Bobois showroom.
    The treatment prevents stains from penetrating the fabric and makes it easier to remove them.
    For accidental and spot stains, carefully take care of them as soon as possible; don’t wait for the stains to soak in.
    Before using the recommended products for the stain removal processes, remove as much of the wet or dry stain as possible by using an absorbent cloth.
    For dried stains, lightly brush and vacuum the soiled area.
  • Stain removal processes - Tips
    1. Select the appropriate method depending on the type of stain in the stain removal chart.
    2. After a local test on a hidden or inconspicuous area of the leather, proceed with the stain removal by following the instructions of the different procedures.
    Avoid rubbing the fabric. Dabbing the stain with a sponge and the effects from the products are sufficient.
    Rubbing too hard can affect the textile fibre and harm its aesthetic appearance.
    If the residue creates a halo, repeat the stain removal process (Procedure No. 1) while attempting to dry the textile: dab with a dry absorbent cloth or use a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush nozzle attachment to remove as much moisture as possible before applying the stain removal absorbent powder. You can dry the moistened area faster by using a hair dryer in a circular motion, from the outside to the inside of the area needing to be dried. Avoid over-heating the fabric.

Note : to allow the absorbent powder to work properly, be sure to properly apply it to the fabric (sprinkle it or spread by hand).

II. Stain removal procedure

• Procedure n°1
Soak a clean sponge with the shampoo contained in the Roche Bobois stain removal kit or with a stain removal solution (blend of 5% neutral liquid soap such as Woolite® and the rest cold water).
Blot the stain with a sponge and absorb with a dry absorbent cloth to remove the product and stain. Repeat if necessary until you are satisfied with the result, but avoid soaking the fabric. Do not rub or scratch the stained area intensely to avoid altering the fabric.
After finishing the stain removal process and letting the stained area fully dry, sprinkle the moistened part with the stain removal absorbent powder to eliminate residue and prevent a halo. Let dry, then use a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush nozzle attachment to prevent damaging the fibres of the fabric.
Removing stains with a vacuum cleaner (for deep or soaked in stains)
Apply the stain remover or recommended cleaning solution and dab with a sponge to activate the cleaning effect. Use a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush nozzle attachment on and around the stained area.
Repeat if necessary, apply the absorbent powder, let dry, and vacuum up the absorbent powder.

Note : it is important to use the absorbent powder. It extracts the stain residue and prevents a halo from being created around the stained area.

• Procedure n°2
Make a mixture of 1/3 water, 1/3 of 90° alcohol, and 1/3 white vinegar.
Use it with Procedure No. 1, replacing the shampoo with this mixture.

Note: if you are not able to make this product mixture, a stain removal test using Procedure No. 1 may be sufficient.

• Procedure n°3
Make a mixture of 70% water and 30% ammonia.
Use it with Procedure No. 1, replacing the shampoo with this mixture.

Note: if you are not able to make this product mixture, a stain removal test using Procedure No. 1 may be sufficient.

• Procedure n°4
Apply a chlorinated solvent or 90° alcohol using a clean cloth and dab without rubbing. Apply the absorbent powder and let the area dry and air out. Repeat the process if necessary.
Complete the stain removal procedure by following through with Procedure No. 1

III. Stain removal chart

Choose what procedure to use based on the type of stain.
Apply the first procedure recommended and explained in these instructions and let dry.
Stop the stain removal procedure when you have achieved satisfactory results.
If there is stain residue, use the recommended procedures in the following order :

Type of stainProcedure N°1Procedure N°2Procedure N°3Procedure N°4
Coffee, Tea x x    
Drinks, Alcohol x x    
Wine, Beer x x    
Sweets x      
Mustard, Ketchup x x   x
Fruits x x    
Milk x   x  
Butter, Grease, Oil x     x
Shoe polish, Was, Lipstick       x
Pen, Ink       x
Blood x   x  
Urine, Sweat x   x  
Mud, Dried dust x      

• Other types of stains

  • Candles
    Place blotting paper over the stain and use an iron (at the lowest temperature to avoid altering or marking synthetic fibres).
    Remove any stain residue using Procedure No. 4.

  • Gum
    Cool using an anti-gum aerosol or a plastic bag full of ice. Crumble and remove the product. Any remaining residual stain can be removed by dabbing the stain with a cloth soaked in a chlorinated solvent (Procedure No. 4).

  • Nail polish
    Dab the stain with a cloth soaked in acetone or amyl acetate to dilute the stain. Then dab the stain with a clean, dry cloth to remove as much of the stain as possible. Repeat if necessary and finish by using the absorbent powder after the stain removal process.

    WARNING : acetone and amyl acetate are toxic.
    Be sure to follow the safety instructions on the product packaging.

  • Paint
    Depending on the type of paint, use the appropriate paint thinner to dilute the stain. Check with where you purchased the paint from, and be sure to follow the safety instructions on the product packaging. Finish the stain removal process the same way as for nail polish stains.

    Note : to avoid a cleaning mark at the stained area, it is often necessary to completely clean the item that you performed the process on.

IV. Overall cleaning for seating

This is done when, despite regular maintenance, an overall cleaning is necessary to refresh the appearance of the seating (we recommend using professional services).

• Cleaning procedure

Uniformly dampen the surfaces to be cleaned using the ROCHE BOBOIS stain removal shampoo contained in the cleaning kit, or a recommended cleaning solution.
Add 5-10% of ROCHE BOBOIS textile shampoo into a container of lukewarm water. Dip the microfibre glove into the water and wring it out lightly. Use the glove to wipe the entire textile surface of your furniture.
Note: to avoid the risk of a of residual halo, it is important that you apply the shampoo uniformly over the entire area of the treated textile.
Rinse the glove regularly to remove any collected dirt.
After cleaning, wipe the entire textile surface again using the glove and lukewarm water. Be sure to rinse the glove regularly to remove any dirt or shampoo residue.
Let dry, then vacuum on the lowest setting using a soft brush nozzle attachment to prevent damaging the fibres of the fabric.




The microfibres that cover Roche Bobois seatings are easy to maintain. However, to preserve their properties and have them look their best at all times, regular and suitable maintenance is necessary.
Following the recommended maintenance procedures will allow you to prevent surface spots and accidental stains that occur when using your living room.


Just like all textile materials (carpets, rugs, curtains, etc.), the microfibres are sensitive to light and heat. You should layout your living room furniture in a way that avoids direct exposure to the sun and moon and avoid placing furniture near a heat source, if possible.
Dust, the same dust that settles on your wood furniture, and spots from using seating (rubbing from clothes, hands, small accidental stains, etc.) are the main factors that tarnish textiles and affect their appearance.
Do not wait for the marks that appear on the most exposed parts of your seating to get too pronounced before performing the recommended maintenance.


  • Dusting
    This should be done regularly to remove dust that settles on the microfibres and is crushed into the fabric by using the seats.
    Dust using a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush nozzle attachment to prevent damaging the fibres of the fabric.
    Brush regularly with a clothing brush to preserve the velvety appearance of your living room furniture.

  • Stains - Tips
    For accidental and spot stains, carefully take care of them as soon as possible. The exceptional qualities of microfibre along with the accompanying products and stain removal tips allow you to eliminate most household stains.
    Before using the recommended products for the stain removal process, remove as much of the wet or dry stain as possible by using an absorbent cloth. For dried stains, lightly brush and vacuum the soiled area.

  • Stain removal processes - Tips
    1. Select the appropriate process in the stain removal chart depending on the type of stain.
    2. Apply the stain remover or recommended stain removal solution and dab with a sponge to activate the cleaning effect.
    3. Remove the stain and the stain removal solution by wiping a clean, dry cloth over the entire moistened surface using small circular motions. Keep using dry parts of the cloth to absorb more effectively.
    4. Repeat the stain removal process if necessary. For dry or old stains, several consecutive processes may be necessary.
    Aggressive rubbing does not improve the result of the stain removal process and may damage the textile. Let the stain remover dissolve the stains. Rubbing the cloth in a circular motion for the absorption process is only used to extract stains and product residue.

  • Additional tips
    If there is still a halo after the recommended procedure and using the absorbent powder, repeat the process with the appropriate stain remover. Try to dry the microfibre as much as possible with a dry absorbent cloth, extending around the moistened area, or by using a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush nozzle attachment to remove as much moisture as possible before applying the stain removal absorbent powder.
    You can dry the moistened area faster by using a hair dryer at a reasonable distance (avoid over-heating the textile).
    Treat the stain as soon as possible without waiting for the spot to dry or get encrusted. That faster you act, the better the stain will be removed.
    The covers and removable parts of your seating are washable.
    If machine washing, use a gentle cycle and water that is cold (max. 30°) along with a mild detergent.
    For hand washing, we recommend using cold or warm water along with a colour-protecting liquid detergent (such as Woolite®).
    After rinsing in clear water, we recommend running it in the spin cycle of your washing machine before drying.
    It is best to hang the covers and removable parts to dry.
    Once ready, brush the covers lightly to restore the fabric’s soft and velvety appearance.

II. Overall cleaning of seatings

When overall cleaning is necessary to refresh the appearance of the seating despite regular maintenance, you have several options.

  • Procedure n°1
    Uniformly dampen the surfaces to be cleaned using the ROCHE BOBOIS stain removal shampoo contained in the cleaning kit, or a recommended cleaning solution.
    Add 5-10% of ROCHE BOBOIS textile shampoo into a container of lukewarm water. Dip the microfibre glove in the water and wring it out lightly. Use the glove to wipe the entire textile surface of your furniture.

    Note: to avoid any risk of residual halo, it is important that you apply the shampoo uniformly over the entire area of the treated textile.
    Rinse the glove regularly to remove any collected dirt. After cleaning, wipe the entire textile surface again using the glove and lukewarm water. Be sure to rinse the glove regularly to remove any dirt or shampoo residue. Let dry, then vacuum on the lowest setting using a soft brush nozzle attachment to prevent damaging the fibres of the fabric.
    Use a rental injection-extraction machine with an upholstery attachment for more thorough cleaning.
    After pre-treating specific stains using the recommended procedures and products, prepare a commercial product solution with the injection-extraction machine (20% product, the rest water) or use a colour-protecting textile detergent base solution (such as Woolite® or similar products: 5% product, the rest water).
    Use a hand sprayer to evenly apply the product on the areas to be cleaned.
    Brush the fabric with a soft brush to activate the cleaning effect of the product.
    Then use the injection-extraction machine with clean water only to uniformly rinse the entire area that was cleaned.
    After rinsing, dry the textile by using the suction nozzle without injecting any water. Carefully go over the entire area that was cleaned.
    Let dry and brush the textile.
  • Professionnal services
    If you would like assistance from a professional, contact your Roche Bobois showroom.

III. Stain removal procedure

• Procedure n°1
Apply the Roche Bobois stain removal spray that is in the stain removal kit, or a mixture of soap and cold water (5% liquid soap such as Woolite®, and the rest water) on the stain.
Dab the stain with a sponge.
Soak up the stain and cleaning product using a non-abrasive dry cloth.
Dry the stain with the cloth, using small circular movements all around the stain while regularly using a new dry part of the cloth. Repeat the stain removal process if necessary.
After finishing the stain removal process, sprinkle the moistened part with the stain removal absorbent powder to eliminate residue and prevent a halo.
Let dry, then vacuum and brush the textile to give it a velvety appearance.

Removing stains with a vacuum cleaner (for deep or soaked in stains):
Apply the stain remover spray or recommended cleaning solution and dab with a sponge to activate the cleaning effect.
Use a vacuum on the lowest setting with a soft brush nozzle attachment on the stain and the entire surrounding area.
Repeat the process if necessary. Dry with a dry absorbent cloth, apply the absorbent powder, let dry, vacuum, then brush.

• Procedure n°2
Make a mixture of 1/3 water, 1/3 of 90° alcohol, and 1/3 white vinegar.
Using a sponge, apply the solution and follow Procedure No. 1 with this mixture instead of the stain removal spray.
Before letting it dry, complete the stain removal process by following through with Procedure No. 1.

• Procedure n°3
Make a mixture of 70% water and 30% ammonia.
Using a sponge, apply the solution and follow Procedure No. 1 with this mixture instead of the stain removal spray.
Before letting it dry, complete the stain removal process by following through with Procedure No. 1.

• Procedure n°4
Use the Roche Bobois stain remover for oily or coloured residual stains, or for white spirits or 90° alcohol using a clean cloth. Dab lightly with small circular movements in the areas surrounding the stain.
Repeat the process if necessary.
Complete the stain removal process by following through with Procedure No. 1.

IV. Stain removal chart

Choose what procedure to use based on the type of stain.
Apply the first procedure recommended and explained in these instructions and let dry.
Stop the stain removal process when you’ve reached satisfactory results.
If there is stain residue, use the recommended procedures in the following order.

Type of stainProcedure N°1Procedure N°2Procedure N°3Procedure N°4
Coffee, Tea, Drinks, Alcohol x x    
Sweets x      
Mustard, Ketchup x x   x
Fruits x x    
Milk x   x  
Butter, Grease, Oil x     x
Shoe polish, Was, Lipstick       x
Pen, Ink x     x
Blood, Urine, Sweat x   x  
Mud, Dried dust x      

• Other types of stains

  • Candles
    Place blotting paper over the stain and use an iron (at the lowest temperature).
    Any remaining residual stain can be removed by following Procedure No. 1 then 4.
  • Gum
    Cool using an anti-gum aerosol or a plastic bag full of ice. Crumble the product. Any remaining residual stain can be removed by following Procedure No. 1 then 4.




I. Structure

Roche Bobois sofas are designed with a solid wood structure (beech, poplar or fir wood), with additional reinforcing crossbars for the seats.
Plywood or engineered composite wood panels help to strengthen each structure. Foam sheets of varying thicknesses allow flexibility between the structure and the exterior.

II. Suspensions

There are three main types of suspension:

  • Steel springs that are joined together or moulded into the foam, surrounded by a protective cloth. This type of suspension is the most common.
  • Interconnected S steel wires.
  • Extended elastic straps, either XXL (12cm-wide) or narrower and cross-webbed.

III. Anti-dust cloth

This is the cloth under the sofa. For most of our sofas, the cloth is attached to the structure like upholstery.

IV. Back cloth

This cloth is on most of our sofas and is woven tightly with a thick, flexible wire to continuously maintain a good hold.
On some models, it is padded and stitched with "S" or "X” seams. For sofas with removable covers, we use a cotton cloth that has already been pre-washed in high temperatures to prevent shrinkage in subsequent washings.

V. Cushion filling

  • 100% feather cushions. These cushions are made entirely out of feathers that have been sterilized at a high temperature. Segregated like a comforter to prevent the feathers from settling, they must regularly be “fluffed" to ensure their comfort and maintain the feathers natural “bounce”. The feathers tend to absorb moisture significantly, resulting in the cushion being significantly compressed. Four times per year, we recommended leaving the interior of the cushions outside, in the sun if possible (or, alternately, in the dryer on low heat), to force out moisture.
  • Feather and foam cushions. This is most commonly used by Roche Bobois in back cushions. They combine the comfort of feathers with the natural elasticity of foam. They are produced in two ways:
    - The cushion base is made of foam surrounded by a quilted layer of feathers that have been sterilised at a high temperature.
    - Foam cubes are mixed with feathers and act like springs.
  • Foam cushions. Most of the seat cushions in our sofas are made of High Resilience bi or tri-density foam: the lower portion using a higher density (at least 30 kg/m3) for maximum support, and the upper portion using a lower density for cushioning comfort.
    All foams need to be “broke in”, and optimum comfort will be obtained after two or three months of use.

VI. Base

There are two main types of bases, whose shape and hue vary depending on the sofa design:

  • Solid wood, usually beech, which may be painted, stained or natural.
  • Metal, usually chrome-plated or painted with different shades and with varying degrees of glossy finishes.





Hygrometry consists of the level of humidity in the air. Humidity has a large impact on solid furniture. “Dry” woods are used during manufacturing, having a moisture content between 8-12%. However, wood is a living material and therefore subject to dimensional variations.
Conditions that are too dry due to excessive heating can cause shrinkage or even slight cracks on the solid panels. Conversely, abnormally humid conditions may expand the wood and cause connections to break.

Levelling & adjustments

Levelling is done to ensure the horizontality of furniture with irregularities. Poor levelling can cause doors to not function properly. Proper levelling will eliminate most door closing issues.

    Moreover, for Contemporary furniture:
  • all hinges are adjustable in two or three dimensions in order to adjust the horizontality of the doors
  • for doors with side openings, see the insert
    For furniture from Les Nouveaux Classiques collection:
  • if the drawers are difficult to open, apply some wax or paraffin on the slides to facilitate their operation
  • a few drops of oil in the locks and hinges facilitate their operation and prevent wear

Specific features

As with many materials, and despite the protective coating, exposure to light (UV rays from the sun or moon) can change the colours of solid wood and veneers. Light wood (cherry, etc.) naturally tends to darken, especially the first year. Dark wood may fade. However, reconstituted veneers (ALPI®) aren’t affected by UV rays.

Maintenance for stained or varnished wood

Never use a dry cloth; instead us a fresh, slightly dampened cotton cloth. Never use products containing solvents (alcohol, etc.).

Maintenance for oiled wood

Once per year, use a natural wood oil to nourish and restore its lustre back to its original state.

Maintenance for Daquacryl®

3 mm thick material, high-strength, glossy and deep-stained.
Daily maintenance: never use a dry cloth; instead us a fresh, slightly dampened cotton cloth. Scratch Remover: request the Roche Bobois maintenance kit available for purchase at Roche Bobois showrooms.
- For light scratches: soak a cotton restoration product (such as Miror® or a self-buffing product) and rub the surface by spiralling over the scratches until they disappear completely; then clean with glass cleaner.
Given the thickness, this can be repeated several times without the risk of altering the material. -For deep scratches, contact your Roche Bobois showroom, because the process will require trained personnel.

Maintenance for metal parts

Clean with a fresh, lightly dampened cloth. Do not use chemical products.
Regularly polish the chrome-plated or polished parts with products that are made specifically for the care of polished metals.

Maintenance for lacquered wood

Dust your furniture periodically with a soft, dry cloth. For small scratches, use a specialized furniture polish cleaner with a clean cotton lint-free cloth, rub, then polish.

Maintenance for solid, veneered, or oiled wood

Dust your furniture periodically with a soft, dry cloth.
We recommend using a 100% natural beeswax or carnauba wax. Apply the wax using brushes or steel wool No. 0000, and spread the layer of wax in the direction of the wood grain. Allow the wax to harden, then always rub with the grain to polish using a dry steel wool No. 0000 or dry cloth. This patina wax will bring back your furniture’s natural sheen.
Never use any solvents, products containing solvents, or aerosols.

Maintenance for marble and natural stone

Regularly dust the marble or stone parts with a soft, dry cloth, as you would for the other parts of the furniture.
Never use acid-based detergents, such as descaling agents, as they may damage the marble.
For stubborn substances, we recommend using a detergent/mild neutral soap, without alcohol.
Immediately clean any stains from a liquid substance.




Care instructions

After the rug is installed, some parts may appear wrinkled. These creases will disappear after a few days, once the velvet fibers have regained their original shape. To facilitate the installation and ensure a better grip, you may place your carpet on a non-slip surface.
For day-to-day maintenance, vacuum regularly, without a brush and at minimum power. You can also sprinkle a large amount of “Terre de Sommières” on the carpet, leave the powder for a few hours and then vacuum it up.
At the beginning, your carpet may “shed”, i.e., excess fibers may come out. This is normal and will stop after a few weeks. Do not rub the carpet, as this will only increase the phenomenon.
Some threads may also stick out. In this case, you may cut them with scissors; please never pull on them.

In case of stains

You should act immediately by treating the stain from the outside in. First, remove mostof the stain with a spoon. Then absorb the rest with a dry white cloth or a paper towel. Finally, dab your carpet with lukewarm water at the spot of the stain, possibly using a carpet-friendly detergent. Repeat two more times if necessary. If the stain persists, contact a professional cleaning company.

Specific care for vegetable silk

Vegetable silk is a fiber of natural origin elaborated from cellulose (viscose). It is a delicate material that requires special care. It is a very fine and hydrophilic fiber. Water will therefore tend to make it curl and compact. In case there is a stain, create a barrier with “Terre de Sommières” in order to stop the capillarity, then proceed as described in the previous paragraph. It is important to quickly dab off the excess water and dry the fiber with a hair dryer, ruffling it with your fingers or with a bristle brush, in order to restore its thickness from the outside in. Do not let the liquid evaporate and air dry. In case of doubt, please contact a professional cleaning company, who will clean it with water, or with an injection-extraction technique for tougher stains.


Our rugs are made using artisanal methods; therefore, their dimensions may be slightly different and their edges may be slightly uneven. A variation of +/-3% of the dimension is tolerated.
It is recommended to protect your rug from direct sunlight and moonlight, as these would permanently discolor the fibers.
Please turn your rug around every six months in order to avoid excessive traffic to one area.
It is not recommended to place your tufted carpet on a heated floor.

This advice is provided for information only and does not make Roche Bobois liable in any way. In case of doubt or hesitation regarding maintenance, please contact your Roche Bobois showroom.


Picto  Download the maintenance guide in PDF format
Picto  Download the rugs maintenance guide in PDF format